About Me


Hopefully I got some answers....

Let's see...where to start describing myself? I'm in my early twenties, still enjoying the wonderful college life and aspire to become a chef one day. I'm originally from the city of brotherly love (Philadelphia) but I am proud to call the South my temporary home for my college years.

I love food. The quickest way to my heart is definitely through my stomach. If you can make me laugh and you love pizza, you are A-Okay in my book. And from the picture above, I am a girl who loves herself a nice glass of vino.

Traveling is another great passion of mine. If I could live out of a suitcase exploring different countries, I would. My goal before I turn 30 is to travel to all 7 continents. It might be difficult...but....Challenge Accepted!

Hopefully you'll be able to read about my adventures, and my cooking, and about my exciting college years in my blog. Enjoy!! xx

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