Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Castle Life: Ireland Day 1 and 2

After a week in Europe, we have finally made it Ireland where we're kicking off the Mullen Family Reunion! I am so excited to see all my American family and meet my Irish family for the first time. But before the reunion could start my mom, brother, and I checked into our hotel a day early. Wait...scratch that....we're not staying in a hotel...IT'S A CASTLE! An actual hundreds of years old castle. I feel like I'm living in a different time period. (except the castle has wifi so that's a bit modern)

We arrived at Dromoland Castle on Sunday morning and were stunned by the beauty of where we were staying. Dromoland Caste is located about 20 minutes away from the Shannon Airport if you were wondering. My brother wasn't arriving until a bit later so my mom and decided (after we unpacked) to play a round of croquet. Neither of us were very good. 

Paul's arrival quickly broke up the intense croquet match, as we excitedly reunited with the third musketeer. I have to say I missed that brother of mine. After everyone was settled a bit, we decided to walk around and explore the grounds. The castle has everything a Medieval castle should have: falconry, clay shooting, archery, a world class spa, and fine dining. Okay maybe the last two things aren't really from the Middle Ages but they still make the castle that much better. 

On our adventure we found a pair of go-cart type cars on the tennis court and had a quick ride. Mom broke hers within minutes. (Not shocking at all) Paul on the other hand was trying to pop wheelies....he was unsuccessful. 

After our failed go-cart attempts we walked the grounds a bit more. They are absolutely lovely and stunning. I've included some pictures of our mini adventure. We found a beautiful garden near the club house. After out stroll, we decided to take the row boats out on the lake. Paul being an avid rower was very excited. We had a fun time cruising around on the lake in our sweet lifejackets.  

The next day our family was arriving and we were going on a tour of the Cliffs of Moher and Bunratty Castle. After the quick bus ride we arrived at the cliffs to take in their beauty. The pictures I took don't give justice to these natural beauties. 

After the cliffs, we headed to Bunratty to see the castle and the cute little tourist town. The castle at Bunratty was classic Medieval and amazing. We toured the town a bit, got to see some pups, and then we made our way to the castle to climb to the top. I did have a mild panic attack with the narrow winding crowded staircase, but I made it to the top. The view was worth the heart wrenching trip it took to get to the top. 

After Bunratty we headed back to our castle, and to our surprise we greeted by a pack of Irish Blood Hounds and two men on horseback. I felt as though I had stepped back in time. The time warp didn't stop there. Dromoland Castle greeted is in true Downton Abbey style with the entire staff waiting outside. It was right out of a movie and I loved it. 

We had dinner and everyone was pretty tired so it was an early night for most. Some of the family went to the hotel pub and shared a few pints. (I was among that group) It was nice to spend time and catch up with the family that I don't get to see as much as I would like. I am so thankful that my mother (and cousin Maureen) planed this wonderful trip for us. This week will surely be one for the record books. I'll keep everyone updated on my travels and adventures. Until next time!!! xx

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