Wednesday, July 24, 2013

'Ello London!

On Friday morning my mother and I bid adieu to the wonderful city of Amsterdam and made our way across the little pond to London. I was in London a couple of years ago and since then I have been itching to go back. I've come to the conclusion that London is just like New York but with accents and more history. Of course this city would have me hooked. 

We checked into our hotel, The Goring, (you might know this as the hotel Kate Middelton stayed at before her royal wedding), so essentially we were living like royalty for a couple of days. Nothing but the best whilst in London. 

Our first day in London consisted of a quick walk to Buckingham Palace to snap a few touristy pictures. Then we decided that we would take a stroll down Bond Street and see if we could do any shopping. After lusting after some truly amazing clothes at Prada, Gucci, Dior and some even better jewels at Cartier, we decided to stop the fashion torture and head back home. Don't worry though there will be more shopping later in the trip. 

After our hours of torturous window shopping, we headed back to The Goring for a quick nap before our dinner reservations with my good friend from college Rachel who has an internship in London this summer. Fully rested we headed out to meet Rachel for a lovely dinner at an Italian restaurant not far from our hotel. Rachel gave us loads of tips of things to do around London the next day. We really didn't come planned so any advice was warmly welcomed. 

The next day with tour-guide Rachel's advice we headed to the Victoria and Albert Museum. Rachel had told us of a fashion exhibit the museum that showed the London fashion from the Victorian Ages all the way to the clubbing 80s. Needless to say I was extremely excited.

The fashion was incredible in ever time period. It was truly amazing to see how fashion and trends have developed over the years. The best part of the fashion exhibit was the Club to Catwalk which highlighted the fashion in the 80s during the London clubbing era. 

The exhibit said no pictures, but of course in the name of blogging I had to snap a couple pictures. The London fashion during the 80s was insane. From spandex to goth the club scene had everything. The outfits weren't simply outfits but costumes people wore to the clubs. Countless hours were spent planning and styling these costumes. I loved every minute of the exhibit. 

After we had our fill of fashion we decided to look around the museum a bit more. We had some fun imitating some of the statues. We did get a few confused looks from the other tourists though. 

We left the museum and headed to The Wellesley Hotel for a quick spot of tea. (I can see myself becoming accustomed to museums and tea everyday.)

Rachel had told us to see a show while we were in London and recommended that we see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which just opened. We headed up to the theater district of London, giddy with the idea of seeing a show. When we got to the theater we were greeted by a concession stand of candy. Of course we had to get some chocolate in honor of the show we were seeing. And Rachel's recommendation did not disappoint. My mother and I loved the show! The costumes, the set, the music, and the actors were all amazing! 

After the show we walked home and had a bit of fun outside of Buckingham Palace. (Thankfully we didn't get caught)

the palace at night 
waiting for the baby  
Harry I'm coming for ya!!
The next day we woke up bright and early and went to mass at Westminster Abbey. It was a lovely way to start our last day in London. After church we headed back to the hotel for a quick breakfast, then headed back out again to Harrods to do some more shopping. If you haven't been to Harrods before it can be a touch overwhelming. In one room you can get designer clothes, another fresh veggies and expensive truffles, and another the latest technology gadgets. It really is amazing. 

After shopping we headed back to the Goring for a spot of afternoon tea and a nap. Tea has become my new favorite meal time. Anything that includes finger sandwiches, scones, and mini cakes is fine by me. 

We ended our last night in London with another lovely dinner with Rachel at a restaurant near our hotel. Even though London is hustling and bustling, I really love the city. I love the accents and I love the fact that it reminds me of New York. 

Side note, I was in London the morning Kate Middelton went into labor. So I can kind of say that I was there the day she had the new royal prince. I am kind of disappointed that she didn't have the baby according to my travel schedule, but hey the royal baby and I are born exactly one month apart. Essentially this makes us best friends. But I digress, check the blog later this week since I'm traveling in Ireland with the family. Until next time!! xx

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