Friday, August 2, 2013

Dublin: The City of Beer

The last day-trip that was scheduled on the Ireland adventure, was a day trip to Dublin. Okay a little backstory about why I am so excited about this trip to Dublin: I was in Dublin in November, and the one thing that I didn’t get to do (because of food poisoning) was visit the Guinness Storehouse. So, when this trip to Dublin was an option for this trip, I jumped at the chance for Guinness redemption. 

After the long bus ride from Monaghan, we finally pulled up to the pearly black gates of the Guinness Brewery. Essentially, we made our beer pilgrimage and arrived in Mecca. (Hopefully that reference doesn’t get me into trouble) The group consisted of some avid drinkers, and we raced through the gates, our faces beaming like kids on Christmas. We got our tickets and started our beer adventure. 

We learned everything there is to know about Guinness; the history and founder, how it’s made, and how to properly taste a Guinness. The tour was probably the best tour I’ve been on since you got a free half pint taster beer and a free pint of beer. Yeah, best tour ever. We ended the tour at the Gravity Bar which overlooks all of Dublin out to the Wicklow Mountains. It a breathtaking bar and probably the nicest bar I’ve every had the privilege to drink a pint in. 

9,000 year long guinness storehouse lease 

learning to taste guinness 

After the Guinness Storehouse (which everyone was reluctant to leave) we headed to St. Patrick’s Church for a quick tour. I had been there in November so I didn’t really take many pictures. I did, however, take a picture of the amazing stained-glass in the church. 

We left the church a bit more knowledgeable, and maybe a bit more holy, and headed to a pub to get a quick lunch. Even though pub food isn’t the healthiest for you, it sure does taste amazing. After lunch we headed back to Monaghan, for our last night in Ireland. 

This trip has been one of the most amazing trips of my life, and I am extremely sad that it had to end. Hopefully, there will be more family reunions like this in the future, because I can get used to hanging around this crazy wonderful family of mine. Until next time!! xx

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