Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday Thoughts 8/2

Now that I’m back from my little European adventure, I’ve finally settled into a little routine back at college. It’s nice being back at the house with all my college friends (if they would only move back in sooner). After four years in Athens, I can honestly say that this town has become a second home. Some people aren’t that lucky to say they’re loved where they went to college, but I guess I’m one of the lucky ones. Here are my Friday Thoughts for the week: 

  1. I am incredibly lucky and thankful that I’ve found such a great support system with my friends. I honestly don’t think I could have survived college without them. 
  2. I refuse to call myself a senior. In denial pretty bad. 
  3. It’s my birthday month! Only 20 days until my birthday! 
  4. Even though I don’t want to accept that this is my senior year, I am incredibly excited. 
  5. I think it might be time for a new tattoo. Thinking something that celebrates my Irish heritage. 

This list reminds me to cherish the time I still have in school. Even though I don’t want to accept that I’m going into my final year as an undergrad, I have to stop pouting and make the absolute best of it. I hope my friends hurry home and move back in so we can get this year started. Until next time! xxx

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