Monday, July 22, 2013

Friday Thoughts

I have really been slacking on the Friday Thoughts. With all the traveling and jet lag, it’s hard to remember what day it is. Today I’m going to do a Monday Thought to make up for the lack of one last week. Here are my thoughts for this week: 

  1. If someone told me I had to move to Europe tomorrow, I would be the happiest person ever. (anywhere is fine by me)
  2. I do miss the ice and free refills in America though. 
  3. London is literally New York with accents and more history. I love it and could move there in a minute. 
  4. The world should adapt the city planning and laws of Amsterdam. Happy people in a beautiful city. It’s my kind of place.  
  5. I’m very excited to see all my Irish family in the motherland. This reunion should be a blast. 

Sorry this week was kind of lame. I’ll make sure next week’s is much better! Until next time! xx

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