Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Friday Thoughts 8/9

So this is way delayed since sorority rush has consumed my time for the past two weeks. I'm making this quick post to let everyone know that I'll be back to blogging once school settles down. But here are my thoughts for the past week:

  1. Sleep is probably the best thing ever. Also naps were created for babies and girls going through sorority rush. 
  2. This week has been so stressful, but getting an awesome pledge class was so worth it. 
  3. This year I'm going to really try to experience all Athens has to offer and make the most of my senior year. 
  4. Even though it's weird to say, I love the new pledge class that Tri Delt got. Seriously they are all amazing. 
  5. Slept deprivation is a real thing. 
Sorry this post is a little lack luster, but I promise that I'll start back up again soon! Until next time! xx

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